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Montjuic Castle

Montjuic Castle was a military fortress built in the city of Barcelona to defend it from attacks by sea and to have the control to the city. It is located on the mountain of Montjuic.

In the beginning was a medieval watchtower whose function was to inform by light signals as a lighthouse. In 1640, during the revolt against King Philip IV, the first fortification was built and later this one was replaced by the current castle after the War of Spanish Succession. The construction was undertaken by the military engineer Juan Martin Cermeño. He built the castle and bastions ('Santa Amalia', 'San Carlos' and 'lengua de Sierpe') and an extended rectilinear facade overlooking the sea. He also built the moat, the bridge and the engineer provided the castle facilities and sanitation. In August 1779 he finished the work, and the appearance of that castle has remained throughout the following century with slight modifications to the present. Until 1960 functioned as a military prison and that year was transferred to the City of Barcelona with the condition to keep the Army Museum.

During the Franco dictatorship in the castle was executed by firing squad in 1940, Lluís Companys i Jover, President of the Generalitat in exile, among others.

Currently there is still controversy about this place because the Castle belongs to the City of Barcelona but not the museum that houses, owned military. Currently and since 2009 houses the Ministry of Defence.

It is visited by over 40,000 people annually and is the scene of various cultural events.

Source of description: planerGO

This object belongs to Montjuïc Park

Montjuic Castle has the following opinions (reports) create opinion

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zamek w Barcelonie To idealne miejsce na odpoczynek od zgielku miasta. Latem praktycznie co tydzien wyswietlane sa filmy na swiezym powietrzu. Zamek polozony jest na wzgorzu Montjuic, dlatego w okolicy jest do zobaczenia wiele ciekawych ogrodow oraz stadion olimpijski. Jest to punkt obowiazkowy do odwiedzenia. rating 1 rating 2 rating 3 rating 4 rating 5 2012-05-11 08:52:42
Neighbourhood Montjuic (Sants-Montjuïc)
Price definition of price gratis
Geographical coordinates 41.3645556, 2.1671715
Address 08038 Barcelona, Carretera de Montjuïc 66
Construction dates 1640 - 1779
More information official website
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